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Showing posts with the label Tor Browser

Tor Browser for Windows 8.5.5 Browsing with extra privacy 2020

Tor Browser for Windows 8.5.5 Browsing with extra privacy 2020 The tourist browser was created to provide additional privacy while browsing online. Created by the Tor Project, this browser uses the Red Tour to protect your identity and hide your online activity from unwanted threats. Privacy A tourist network is a set of virtual tunnels that help hide your identity by sending traffic through a relay before sending it directly through the network to the Internet. Using the Tour Network Relay system, Tour Browser can protect the privacy of its users in two ways . First, it will hide user activity from both your Internet service provider and any unsecured local contact. Second, the user's IP address will be hidden from the website operators. Tour Browser also protects users from the fingerprints of website traffic, a process that seeks to identify a user and set preferences through their browsing habits. In addition, it eliminates all browsing history and cook